byte-size training

byte-size training

Navigating the complexities of planning law and practice can be challenging, but getting it right is essential to uphold the integrity of the planning system as a whole. These short courses are designed specifically for local authority professionals, providing clear, practical insights into key planning principles, topic based issues and enforcement powers. 

Through real world case studies and expert-led discussions, participants will gain the knowledge and confidence to handle difficult issues effectively. Whether you're new to development management or enforcement, these courses will equip you with the tools to make informed, legally sound decisions in your role.

Our byte-size courses are half-day sessions delivered on Microsoft Teams.

Cost: £100 plus VAT per session. Group discounts are offered for multiple delegates from a single local authority.

Common themes in prior approval applications or appeals 
15 May 2025

Certain types of development are granted planning permission by the General Permitted Development Order without the need to submit a planning application. Some permitted development rights are conditional on obtaining "prior approval" from the local planning authority. This short training course looks at the nuts & bolts of a prior approval procedure. By taking a practical approach to prior approval applications and appeals, the training aims to develop an understanding of common issues arising in casework. A practical and engaging session aimed at professional development of development management and enforcement officers. 

Presented by Ros Eastman and Ahsan Ghafoor

Online Registration

Grappling  with S73 - variation of conditions applications or appeal
20 June 2025

Section 73 (s73) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allow for planning applications to be made for the variation or removal of a condition on an existing planning permission, but  how should decision makers approach such applications? This byte-size course considers recent developments on this topic and takes a practical approach to these applications. The course is ideal for those handling s73/s73A applications and appeals against conditions.  A practical and engaging session aimed at professional development of development management and enforcement officers.

Presented by Ros Eastman and Ahsan Ghafoor

Online Registration

Material Changes of Use
18 July 2025

Establishing whether Material Changes of Use have occurred is sometimes impossibly difficult. In this byte-sized training course we examine planning units, how to assess materiality when comparing uses, reversionary rights and intervening unlawful uses. We also consider the effect of 'fallback positions' when deciding on planning enforcement options or planning applications. This session is aimed at  development management and planning enforcement officers alike. 

Presented by Izindi Visagie and Ahsan Ghafoor

Online Registration

BNG and Enforcement
19 September 2025

Statutory BNG seeks to create and improve the natural environment by requiring all new development to have a net gain on biodiversity. This session explains the guidance on monitoring and enforcing BNG for on-site gain. We also set out how to define potential breaches of planning control, consider expediency and the type of enforcement action LPAs can take. The course is aimed at planning enforcement officers and development management officers who want to ensure BNG is delivered.

Presented by Izindi Visagie and Ahsan Ghafoor

Online Registration

Material considerations - common issues arising in casework
6 October 2025

When assessing an application for planning permission or responding to planning or enforcement appeals where deemed application is made, it is often the “other material considerations” that cause confusion. This bitesize training session considers the principles established by the courts and explores how decision-makers approach subjects like fallback, human rights and the public sector equality duty. A practical and engaging session aimed at professional development of development management and enforcement officers. 
Presented by Izindi Visagie and Ahsan Ghafoor

Online Registration

Meet our presenters

Izindi   Visagie LLB, MBA, LARTPI is a solicitor who previously worked in the planning legal teams at a number of London LPAs. A mid-career full time MBA facilitated a move into venture capital which in turn inspired her to set up Ivy Legal. Izindi has a hands-on approach to client work, and is as experienced on an early morning raid as she is as advocate at public inquiry. Izindi’s experience within local authorities means that she fully understands the needs of her LPA clients and the subtle interaction of politics, policies, resourcing and legal requirements that bedevil planning enforcement. 

Izindi is the London and South East Representative for NAPE, the RTPI's network group for Planning Enforcement.

Ahsan   is a qualified and chartered town planner with over 20 years of practical experience. He has worked in private and public sector. Between 2007 and 2024 he was a Planning Inspector rising to Professional Lead at the Planning Inspectorate. He trained and managed inspectors and led/developed continued professional development training and quality assurance systems for the appeals service. His expertise is enforcement, planning, community infrastructure levy, prior approvals, tree preservation and high hedge appeals and procedures. 

Ros   discovered planning whilst at school through a friend's Dad who worked in Local Plans and thinks inspiring and leading planners is critical to the profession's future. Having avoided becoming a geography teacher, her career began 25 years ago in the private sector, based in Manchester and Leeds and specialising in commercial planning. A new job facilitated a move back to Devon and for 15 years she worked in policy and major projects before leading an LPA Development Management team. 

In 2024 she established Eastman Planning Services and as well as undertaking consultancy work for private and public sector clients she enjoys delivering training with a focus on Development Management. Working for herself has enabled Ros to give back to the profession in other ways including being an APC Assessor and a member of the General Assembly and the Education and Lifelong learning committee of the RTPI.

We also do 1 and 2 day training courses.  You can find the details on our Training page

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