PACE & Planning Prosecutions

Next course date to be published

Virtual  PACE & Planning Prosecutions course jointly hosted by Scott Stemp from No 5 Chambers and Izindi Visagie

Scott has a wealth of experience in enforcement-related matters, frequently advising on and acting in substantial and complex enforcement Inquiry work, High Court injunctions, committal proceedings, Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court prosecutions under the Town and Country Planning Act with a special interest in confiscation under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA). 

Izindi is a planning enforcement specialist and regularly provides practical training for local authority enforcement officers.


09:30                   Introduction

10:00                    Powers of Entry & Interviews under caution
         Powers of Entry under the TCPA 1990 and related legislation, how to go about gathering evidence and the importance of cautioning suspects

10:45                    Break

11:00                     Preparing evidence
                            Ensuring evidence gathering is effective and that the evidence is admissible; preparing robust witness statements

12:30                    Lunch

13:30                    Disclosure
                            What is disclosure, and what are the prosecution's disclosure duties

14:30                    Preparing for trial & Abuse of process applications
                            Anticipating and responding to Abuse of Process applications and what to expect when giving evidence

15:30                    Break

15:45                    POCA & its pitfalls 
         Confiscation orders under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002; the benefits and pitfalls

16:30                    Finish


£150 plus VAT.  

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