Planning Enforcement for Members - 19 November 2024

Planning Enforcement for Members

19 November 2024

Planning Enforcement is often a highly political and emotive subject for Local Authority Councillors.

Most Councillors will at some point be approached by their constituents who will either lobby them to take

enforcement action or help them defend enforcement action taken by local authorities.

This 1 day virtual course demystifies the planning enforcement process and provides

an environment for members to ask questions about planning enforcement in a safe space.

Hosted by Izindi Visagie.


09.30am      Introduction

10.00am       Planning enforcement - its purpose and limitations

10.45am       Break mid-morning

11.00am        How to make enforcement effective and getting the most out of your planning enforcement officers.

12.00am       Local authority powers, including investigations, taking formal action, prosecutions, injunctions.

13.00pm       Lunch break

14.00pm      Challenges to local authority powers, e.g. appeals against enforcement notices and judicial review of decisions.    

15.00pm       Break mid-afternoon

15.15pm       Discussion workshop – bring your questions 


£150 plus VAT per delegate.  Sign up by completing this form.

This course is hosted virtually on MS Teams and is not pre-recorded.  Live discussion is encouraged.

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