Next course date to be published
Join us for our 1 day virtual workshop dealing with advertisements
hosted by Mike Hyde and Izindi Visagie.
9.45am What is an Advertisement?
10.00am Current Legislation and Guidance
10.45am Advertisements not covered by the Regulations
11.15am Break
11.30am Classes of Deemed Consent
12.15pm Removal of Deemed Consent and Discontinuance
12.30pm Lunch break
1.30pm Applications for Express Consent
2.00pm Group Exercise
2.30pm Advertisement Enforcement
3.00pm Break
3.15pm Fly Posting
3.45pm Direct action
4.00pm Final questions and conclusions
4.30pm End of workshop
£150 plus VAT per delegate. Sign up by completing this form
This course is not pre-recorded. Live discussion is encouraged.
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